// This is a update script for Backtrack 5. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define TIME 500000 int check_internet() { if(system("perl -e 'print qq|GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n|;' | nc www.google.com 80 > /dev/null")!= 0 || system("ping -qc1 www.google.com > /dev/null") != 0 || system("ping -qc1 www.l.google.com > /dev/null") != 0) { system("clear"); printf(" [>] Checking for internet connectivity please wait!\n"); usleep(TIME); printf(" [>] No Internet connectivity found, exiting. \n"); exit(1); } else { system("clear"); printf(" [>] Checking for internet connectivity please wait!\n"); usleep(TIME); printf(" [>] Internet is working!\n"); printf("\n"); } } void backtrack_update() { printf(" [>] Updating and cleaning Backtrack, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get -y autoclean") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Backtrack updated and cleaned successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Backtrack.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void exploit_db() { printf(" [>] Updating Exploit-db, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/exploits/exploitdb/platforms/ && svn up") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Exploit-db updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Exploit-db.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void set() { printf(" [>] Updating SET, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/exploits/set/ && svn up") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] SET updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update SET.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void warvox() { printf(" [>] Updating Warvox, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/telephony/warvox/ && svn up") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Warvox updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Warvox\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void aircrack() { printf(" [>] Updating Aircrack-NG and Airodump, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/ && svn up") == 0) { system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/ && chmod a+x airodump-ng-oui-update && ./airodump-ng-oui-update"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Aircrack-NG and Airodump updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Aircrack-ng.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void giskismet() { printf(" [>] Updating Giskismet, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/wireless/giskismet/ && svn up") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Giskismet updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Giskismet.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void msf() { printf(" [>] Updating Metasploit, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/ && svn up") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Metasploit updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Metasploit.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void nessus() { printf(" [>] Updating Nessus plugins, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /opt/nessus/sbin/ && ./nessus-update-plugins") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Nessus plugins updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Nessus.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void w3af() { printf(" [>] Updating W3AF, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/web/w3af/ && svn up") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] W3AF updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update W3AF.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void nikto() { printf(" [>] Updating Nikto, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/web/nikto/ && ./nikto.pl -update") == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Nikto updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Nikto.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void sqlmap() { printf(" [>] Updating Sqlmap, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("cd /pentest/database/sqlmap/ && svn up --trust-server-cert --non-interactive") == 0) { printf(" [>] Sqlmap updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update SQLmap.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void fasttrack() { printf(" [>] Installing/Updating Fasttrack, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); system("apt-get -y install fasttrack"); if(system("cd /pentest/exploits/fasttrack/ && ./fast-track.py -c 1") == 0) { printf(" [>] Fasttrack updated successfully!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update Fasttrack.\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void pyrit() { printf(" [>] Checking to see if pyrit is installed.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); if(system("pyrit > /dev/null") == 0) { printf(" [>] Pyrit installed!\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Installing Pyrit, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); system("apt-get -y install libssl-dev scapy python-dev"); system("svn checkout http://pyrit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ pyrit_svn"); system("cd pyrit_svn/pyrit && python setup.py build && python setup.py install"); system("rm -rf pyrit_svn"); printf(" [>] Pyrit installed successfully!\n"); } } void nmap() { printf(" [>] Updating Nmap Fingerprints, please wait.\n"); usleep(TIME); if(system("wget http://nmap.org/svn/nmap-os-db -O /usr/local/share/nmap/nmap-os-db") == 0) { printf(" [>] Nmap updated successfully!\n"); printf("\n"); usleep(TIME); } else { printf(" [>] Failed to update nmap!\n"); usleep(TIME); } } void update() { printf(" [>] Updating the evil script.\n"); usleep(TIME); printf("\n"); system("rm -rf backtrack5_update.c"); system("wget http://sickness.tor.hu/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/backtrack5_update.c"); system("gcc -o backtrack5_update backtrack5_update.c"); printf("\n"); printf("Update successfully, now please run the script again!\n"); exit(0); } void changelog() { system("cd /tmp && wget http://sickness.tor.hu/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/changelog.txt -o /dev/null"); system("less /tmp/changelog.txt"); system("rm -rf /tmp/changelog.txt"); } void tryharder() { printf(" [] Wrong choice, exiting now ... \n"); usleep(TIME); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } char menu_exploit() { char ex_choice[4]; int ex_var; printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" |B||a||c||k||t||r||a||c||k| |5| |u||p||d||a||t||e|\n"); printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" Section: EXPLOIT TOOLS\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] 1. Metasploit Framework.\n"); printf(" [>] 2. Exploit-db.\n"); printf(" [>] 3. SET - Social Engineering Toolkit.\n"); printf(" [>] 4. Update all.\n"); printf(" [>] 5. Back.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Enter your choice: "); fgets(ex_choice,sizeof(ex_choice),stdin); ex_var = atoi(ex_choice); switch(ex_var) { case 1: msf(); menu_exploit(); case 2: exploit_db(); menu_exploit(); case 3: set(); menu_exploit(); case 4: msf(); exploit_db(); set(); menu_exploit(); case 5: main(); default: tryharder(); break; } } char menu_wireless() { char w_choice[4]; int w_var; printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" |B||a||c||k||t||r||a||c||k| |5| |u||p||d||a||t||e|\n"); printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" Section: WIRELESS & TELEPHONY\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] 1. Aircrack-ng and Airdrop.\n"); printf(" [>] 2. WarVox.\n"); printf(" [>] 3. Giskismet.\n"); printf(" [>] 4. Update all.\n"); printf(" [>] 5. Back.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Enter your choice: "); fgets(w_choice,sizeof(w_choice),stdin); w_var = atoi(w_choice); switch(w_var) { case 1: aircrack(); menu_wireless(); case 2: warvox(); menu_wireless(); case 3: giskismet(); menu_wireless(); case 4: aircrack(); warvox(); giskismet(); menu_wireless(); case 5: main(); default: tryharder(); break; } } char menu_web_db() { char wd_choice[4]; int wd_var; printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" |B||a||c||k||t||r||a||c||k| |5| |u||p||d||a||t||e|\n"); printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" Section: WEB & DATABASE\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] 1. W3AF.\n"); printf(" [>] 2. Nikto.\n"); printf(" [>] 3. Sqlmap.\n"); printf(" [>] 4. Update all.\n"); printf(" [>] 5. Back.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Enter your choice: "); fgets(wd_choice,sizeof(wd_choice),stdin); wd_var = atoi(wd_choice); switch(wd_var) { case 1: w3af(); menu_web_db(); case 2: nikto(); menu_web_db(); case 3: sqlmap(); menu_web_db(); case 4: w3af(); nikto(); sqlmap(); menu_web_db(); case 5: main(); default: tryharder(); break; } } char menu_other() { char o_choice[4]; int c_var; printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" |B||a||c||k||t||r||a||c||k| |5| |u||p||d||a||t||e|\n"); printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" Section: OTHER\n"); printf(" [>] 1. Nessus.\n"); printf(" [>] 2. Fasttrack.\n"); printf(" [>] 3. Pyrit.\n"); printf(" [>] 4. Nmap.\n"); printf(" [>] 5. Update all.\n"); printf(" [>] 6. Back.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Enter your choice: "); fgets(o_choice,sizeof(o_choice),stdin); c_var = atoi(o_choice); switch(c_var) { case 1: nessus(); menu_other(); case 2: fasttrack(); menu_other(); case 3: pyrit(); menu_other(); case 4: nmap(); menu_other(); case 5: nessus(); fasttrack(); pyrit(); nmap(); menu_other(); case 6: main(); default: tryharder(); break; } } main() { char choice[4]; int choice_var; check_internet(); printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" |B||a||c||k||t||r||a||c||k| |5| |u||p||d||a||t||e|\n"); printf(" +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+ +-+ +-++-++-++-++-++-+\n"); printf(" Section: MAIN\n"); printf(" [>] 1. Update and clean Backtrack.\n"); printf(" [>] 2. Exploit tools.\n"); printf(" [>] 3. Wireless & Telephony.\n"); printf(" [>] 4. Web & Database.\n"); printf(" [>] 5. Others.\n"); printf(" [>] 6. Update all.\n"); printf(" [>] 7. Update script.\n"); printf(" [>] 8. Changelog.\n"); printf(" [>] 9. Exit.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" [>] Enter your choice: "); fgets(choice,sizeof(choice),stdin); choice_var = atoi(choice); switch(choice_var) { case 1: backtrack_update(); main(); case 2: menu_exploit(); main(); case 3: menu_wireless(); main(); case 4: menu_web_db(); main(); case 5: menu_other(); main(); case 6: backtrack_update(); exploit_db(); set(); warvox(); aircrack(); giskismet(); msf(); nessus(); w3af(); nikto(); sqlmap(); fasttrack(); pyrit(); nmap(); main(); case 7: update(); case 8: changelog(); main(); case 9: exit(1); default: tryharder(); break; } return 0; }
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
update script for back track 5
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